Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Queen Representation

Elizabeth I, The virgin Queen. 

We watched the movie Elizabeth in class, this was a really good movie because I think that this movie represented all the power that Elizabeth had. 

For me, this movie wasn’t a critic of her empire, it was a representation were the way they dress, they talked and acted meant something.

 Elizabeth, in the movie, was glorified, there wasn’t moments in the movie were she appeared weak, even when she had a love disappointment, she was kind of strong and she overcame it, also, she was pious she didn’t want to execute Mary, but she had to because she was a threat.

The movie was pretty close to the real history, of course that there were some things that probably didn’t happen, but we have to remember that movies are for entertainment (most of them). Elizabeth was definately a  queen with a strong character, and a huge intelligence. The virgin queen will always be remembered for the way she ruled her nation.


  1. I agree completely that the movie does not seem a criticism at all. In fact, I see the greatness of the kingdom of England all the way, and the image of Elizabeth as almost a divine figure. Anyway, it's still fun to watch

  2. ~~I think the film aims to show the human side of Queen Elizabeth I. And that despite having some criticizes imperialism such as the way in which they speak of Native America. It is more an insider's view of the imperialism. I think that during this era, England was prosperous and stable, reflecting the good governable form of Elizabeth, so, I think the movie, was not so far from reality.
    Anyway, it's a pretty entertaining and interesting movie.~~
