Friday, May 9, 2014

Fiction vs. History

After we watched "Elizabeth: the Golden Age" I started wondering about historical movies and their proximity to reality. 
Is well known that not everything we can see in movies is completely truth and we all know about the existence of special effects, edition and all that kind of things, but... what happen with "historical" movies?

First of all, is important to know what historical movies are. So, they are films in which story are based upon historical events and/or famous people (in this case, Queen Elizabeth I) and their purpose is to represent  that event or life as good as posible. 

There are lots of historical movies, and they show us some important events or details of someone's life in a more interesting way, especially if you don't like History very much.  Despite this, most times these films are not completely close to what really happens. For that reason, I started surfing the Internet and I discovered that "Elizabeth: the Golden Age" is one of these films. 

In this movie,  Sir Walter Raleigh is one of the most important characters, but actually he was less important that another characters who was omitted in the film, as William Cecil, Robert Dudley, Sir Robert Cecil or Robert Devereux, for example. Also, his role against The Invincible Armada was less important than Sir Francis Drake's role, who was one of the most important pieces in the England's victory. 

I think that this happens especially with historical movies because the story became more interesting if there is a  charismatic character who catch your attention, even if productors have to "modify" the events just to make it more attractive. 

Maybe, spectators would be less interested in the film if  they could see events as it happened.... We have to think that in general, movies are made to entertain... 

What about you? 
Would you enjoy the movie as much as you did if events would be shown exactly as it happened?


  1. I´m totally agree with you. This type of thing happen very often in the film industry, but in this particular case I think this is because the film focuses primarily on the internal and emotional conflicts of Queen Elizabeth, dealing topics like her virginity, passions, etc. And answering your question, I would like the film has been more fair with some historical figures which were not developed enough or were not appear in story.

  2. I think that a movie that just show historical events could be more called a documental. This movie is more center in show the essence of Queen Elizabeth as a woman. Yeah, we all know that Elizabeth I was a very important Queen that fought for her country, but we don't know what she was thinking on that time, or how she was feeling when has to deal with all those conflicts. This are things that we'll never know, and the movie is a good way of makes us reflect about that. Maybe the facts shown in the movie were not all true, but it shows a different point of view about Elizabeth, and that was de idea.
    In conclusion, I would enjoy in the same way a movie more attached to the historical facts if it was made with the same quality involving the photography, sound tracks, etc.
