Sunday, May 4, 2014

Elizabeth: the golden age

Elizabeth: the golden age was a great movie; one of the things that caught my attention of it was the fact that in the movie were shown two women as queens, they both had so much power and a huge responsibility  in contrast with the women´s role in the old England where women were educated to serve men and they didn’t have the right to a proper education or to have any kind of possession, they were treated as inferior beings, as they served only to procreate as Elizabeth father demonstrated during his life with his many marriages and his wives beheadings.

 It seems to me a little odd that any of them did anything to change the women’s role during their reign, it wasn’t until the 1800´s that women began to have some rights. I believe that Elizabeth fought against the conception of men about her as a woman and her capability to rule a chauvinist country. She demonstrated what a strong and intelligent woman was capable of if given the opportunity. Maybe the reason why she did not marry was because of the role of women in old England, she didn’t want to be subjected to a man wishes and desires, she was the Queen after all, men and women were subjected to her wishes and desires not the other way around.

Elizabeth became an icon of courage and strength of character for women nowadays, but she actually failed in changing the women´s stereotype in old England. How do you think it would be the lives of women today if elizabeth had done something to improve the situation of women during his reign? Would it have made ​​any difference?


  1. Is quite an interesting point of view to say that Elizabeth didn't want to be subjected to a man control, and I personally think that she is right. Marrying in that era was a form of control, and her personality would not allow that kind of control.

  2. I like the way you saw or perceive the idea of the movie. When I saw the movie, I didnt realize that she, as a strong character woman did nothing for her genre. Maybe, she was too selfish to share her ideas, maybe not, maybe deep inside her, she believed that she was the only different woman, and that's why she did nothing, but well, we'll never know.
