Sunday, May 4, 2014

Why was so popular the Virgin Queen?

Why was so popular the Virgin Queen?

We are never know how would was the queen, the true is the British people loved, all the names that she had about “Virgin Queen” was and is a very important and interesting way to said things but why she was so popular?
 I think that the most important point was that in this time there isn’t TV and pop singers , so for this the people just follow the Queens and Kings because they were the only people that were different and popular and famous. Other way she was so popular I think was that she was a very different woman; because she in all live was a virgin Queen, this is a very interesting point for the people in internet are more blogs, pages and forum with a lot ideas about why she never married… in one documental of the History Channel talk about that and show more ways that her life, one theory said that she was she or he? I think that is very interesting because are two theory one is that she was a men because when she is 10 years she sickened and died and one boy that play and was very close to hers replacement to hers. The other theory is that she has hermaphrodite and for this problem she never married. All this hearsay say why she is very interesting in the “Culture as an Iceberg” I think this is relevant with “roles in relation to status” and in this case is with sex and the same time is relevant with the occupation where one queen or king have to make a family and have descendant of their crown.

When you start to read these reasons maybe you want to know and search  more information  or maybe when you read this do you feel reading one magazine because in this times we want to know everything about the others persons and have one opinion so why was so popular the queen? Is easy was and is now because she was a special and intelligent person.


  1. Wow I’m very impressed with your post, I have never heard about Elizabeth been switched with a boy, but I recalled that once a heard something about she having sexual issues or something like that, that’s why the hermaphrodite part caught my attention.

  2. I would say that I support your idea of Elizabeth I as a entertaiment figure and a fashion icon, reflecting that the only way that the citizens could be close to all that magnificient richness was through Elizabeth and her parades.

  3. Its really interesting to read things that are not common, I've never heard about the sexual issues of the queen, so its pretty interesting to see things from a different perspective, your post definately caught my attention.
