Sunday, May 4, 2014


This movie shows Elizabeth's first moments beforeand after her crowned . Since the moment she is in prison until the scene when she's declared as the Virgen Queen We can also see in a better way how the conflict with Spain and France begins, and how was the relationship that both countries had with Elizabeth's reign. As an example of that is the visit that Philip II of Spain and Henry III of France did to propose her marriage . In the movie Henry II of France is show as a men who prefers male company, wear lipstick and dresses like a woman, putting his sexuality in doubt.
The movie reveals how involved was Elizabeth in her duty, preferring her kingdom over her love life. In which Robert Dudley was present, who ended married with another woman, in the movie Elizabeth i's devastated with the new, specially because it was a hidden marriage. This is one of the reason why Elizabeth decided to married with England. Cate Blanch does an excellent performance in the role of Queen Elizabeth I, because she was able to show her as an strong and independent woman, who was capable of government a country without the need of a men by her side. But also, showing her insecurities as a woman. The film ends in a very dramatic way, when Queen Elizabeth I decided by some kind of ritual giving England a Virgen, this is why she convert herself into what she considered the image of a Virgen, by cutting her hair (a very emotional scene) and also painting white all her body. The final scene shows Elizabeth sitting in her throne and initiating her Golden Age


  1. I kinda like this movie even more than the another one, maybe because of the aesthetic of it, or the fact that this movie is more realistic. Nevertless, a great way to study England history.

  2. Hi maraya! <3 I don't watch this movie yet but I want. Perhaps we can watch it together and exchange opinions.

    1. I would really like it, so we can comment it and talk about how we thought Elizabeth's I life was like

  3. I neither watched this movie yet but your post made me want to watch it. I think that it would be very interesting because it would show us Elizabeth's life from another point of view, and maybe we could understand why Elizabeth was that way in her Golden Age.

    1. Thanks Marcell, yes, this movie explain a lot of things about the second movie, for example, the relationship between some of the characters and also we can see a younger Elizabeth, quite different from the one we saw in the Golden Age which is really interesting
