Friday, March 28, 2014

"Latinoamerica" - Calle 13

The landscapes, the people, the grafitti that´s being created as the clip goes running…all the details were carefully chosen.  I think it´s an overelaborated work that perfectly expresses the song´s message.  Definitely Jorge Carmona, Milovan Radovic, Alejandro Noriega and obviously Calle 13, have made a great work.

Sitting on my bed, with a cigarette in my hand, I listen this song over and over again. In my head, a thousand thoughts about video shows, lyrics and our reality are hovering.  I have to say that I am grateful because I am here, smoking. I am grateful because I have only two preoccupations: My University´s duties and the silly dangerous games my friends are playing while I am writing this.
On the other hand, somewhere in this very same continent, maybe there is a boy, younger than me, sitting on his bed also, but with a rosary in his hands, praying for his mother, father or any of his siblings….just for them to stay alive.
We always read online that there are a hundred brothers suffering the inequity of their governments. They have to wait hours just to get a piece of bread or some water to drink. I wonder…what happen when they demand for their rights?   Our brothers are being killed or kicked away, and nobody seems to do something. Who has the power to change that, just washes his hands and say “everything is perfect and media only makes the problem greater than it really is..”
This song is one of my favorite ones, because it talks about ONE America fighting against injustice, that Americans can keep standing up and scream “WE ARE HERE AND WE WILL FIGHT!! . It´s a hopeful song that makes me think that in one moment things will really change.
Maybe Chile isn’t a perfect country and we have a lot to evolve and to change…..but I can say “thanks because I´m here”.

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