Friday, March 28, 2014

"Latinoamerica" - Calle 13

The landscapes, the people, the grafitti that´s being created as the clip goes running…all the details were carefully chosen.  I think it´s an overelaborated work that perfectly expresses the song´s message.  Definitely Jorge Carmona, Milovan Radovic, Alejandro Noriega and obviously Calle 13, have made a great work.

Sitting on my bed, with a cigarette in my hand, I listen this song over and over again. In my head, a thousand thoughts about video shows, lyrics and our reality are hovering.  I have to say that I am grateful because I am here, smoking. I am grateful because I have only two preoccupations: My University´s duties and the silly dangerous games my friends are playing while I am writing this.
On the other hand, somewhere in this very same continent, maybe there is a boy, younger than me, sitting on his bed also, but with a rosary in his hands, praying for his mother, father or any of his siblings….just for them to stay alive.
We always read online that there are a hundred brothers suffering the inequity of their governments. They have to wait hours just to get a piece of bread or some water to drink. I wonder…what happen when they demand for their rights?   Our brothers are being killed or kicked away, and nobody seems to do something. Who has the power to change that, just washes his hands and say “everything is perfect and media only makes the problem greater than it really is..”
This song is one of my favorite ones, because it talks about ONE America fighting against injustice, that Americans can keep standing up and scream “WE ARE HERE AND WE WILL FIGHT!! . It´s a hopeful song that makes me think that in one moment things will really change.
Maybe Chile isn’t a perfect country and we have a lot to evolve and to change…..but I can say “thanks because I´m here”.

"Yes, the future has been sold"

The Universal is one of the most famous songs by the british band Blur. It was released on 1995 and is featured on their 4th studio album "The Great Escape". 

The song  is a critique of the consumer and superficial society we live in, although this critique becomes stronger on the music video, which was directed by Jonathan Glazer.

The music video is based on scenes of "The Clockwork Orange" and the lead singer tried to emulate Alex DeLarge's look.  In this video we can see the band looking around while playing in a bar painted all white, in front of some exaggerated characters who pretend to represent the society we live in.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I do!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I Hate

The name of this song is “I Hate” and his singer is Michael David Rosenberg, better known as Passenger, his artistic name.

This song is about things that Passenger doesnt like, or “hate”, but if we start thinking and analyzing the lyrics, we can notice that most of that things are problems of our actual society, so this is a kind of critic to our contemporary peers. I would like to discuss the lyrics of “I Hate”.

First of all, it mentions racism, we often hear some racist comments, and that's kind of common, I would love to say that I never said something a little bit racist, but I cant, so, who are we to criticize another person If we keep on doing the same thing. We need to change first, and then, we can start advising others. 

Another thing that we also have, are the ignorant mass followers, in the song,  we can find them as “ignorant folks, who pay money to see gigs and talk through every f** song”. I think that is really important to stop in this point , and  think about all the people that we know  that attend  to concerts, or revels, and  they dont even know what are those things about (sometimes all they know about the group of music, is the name.), they attend just because it is “cool” or “popular”,  so we can infer that they are forgetting who they are, and that leads us to deduce that they are losing their Identities,just because of the mass media.

The lyrics are about fake, ungrateful , and intolerant people. From my point of view, we can find all such persons everywhere, so, we have to be wise in the choice of our inner circle, and of course, we have to avoid that behaviours in ourselves.

Besides, Passenger talks about the influence of the media in the teenagers (specially women), he says, that all those magazines, and Tv shows are the responsables of a lot of problems as anorexia, bulimia or prematureness, moreover,  is created a false Idea of beauty, Nowadays people is more concerned to look like the tv stars than being ok with their bodies.

In conclusion, we can sum up the lyrics of this song as a summary of all our contingent problems, and its really good to know about this kind of artists that show the reality just as what it is.

- The video is not the original, because in the original one, Passenger appears singing, and I think that this one ,which is illustrated, is more striking :) 

A strange fruit hanging from trees?

 Well, this is not my favorite song, but the first time I listened to it I couldn’t stop imagining and thinking how hard it was life for color people in the States, especially in The South, in those days.

This song was first performed by Billie Holiday, an Afro-American singer, in 1939, but in this video is Nina Simone who performs. It was written as a poem and talks about the racism in the United States and the cruelty that color people was subject of.  The hangings and the killings in those days were so often that watching bodies hanging from the trees was quite normal, the fear of those who were object of that violence and hatred was many times overlook by the law.

Hate and violence against those who are different to us is still part of our society today, the world hasn’t learned a thing, the unjustified hate and discrimination is still issue nowadays. When we are going to stop?  

More Than Just A Song But An Act Of Same Love

Same Love has been one of my favorite songs since the first time I heard it and I'll like to explain you why: It was July the 25th and I was in my host sister's car after my first visit to a  Baptist Church in Kansas City MO when she suddenly turns on the radio and this song starts to play. She look at me and says "I wish someday everyone in every part of the planet recognize the meaning of this song"

This song was writing by the raper Ben Haggerty (a.k.a) Macklemore in 2012  as part of the 74 Referendum of Washington, which legalize homosexual marriage in that State motivated by the love of his uncle to his partner who appear in the album's cover.  This has always be a controversial topic in every society, for some of us, homosexuality is just another of many ways to love, such as the love from  a mother to her own son or the love from an old couple that has been together for many years. But for other, love has some restrictions, like the song says "The right wing conservatives think it's a decision And you can be cured with some treatment and religion"  I believe that it's valid  to say that everyone has his own opinion, but what it's not fair is the fact that by making your opinion, you're taking or denying someones rights, and for me, Love is a right that everyone should have at least once in their life.
I believe in equality, and for me, that's what this songs is trying to teach us, and not just the song, cause as I say in the title, THIS is more than just a song about love, it's about the beautiful act of loving someone with all of your heart and that's why I choose this video to explain it even better. This happens in The Grammy's last presentation a couple of months ago, where a group of 33 different couples exchange their vows in front of a all crowd of people proving to us that when you know who you are, nothing else matters.

I mentioned my host sister before for a reason, two months after I left from the United States she explains me that her older brother, James, has finally declare to their parents that he was in love with a men, and even better, they were getting marry in Washington by next Spring.

Are you paying attention?

"Are you such a dreamer to put the world to right?"
The mere fact of hearing this question makes us wonder a lot of other questions, being the most important: What he means with that? Radiohead made a song that gives you a desperate feeling, a sadness represented in verse that later explodes into a burst of anger and impotence. The cartoons by Gaston ViƱas have greater effect depending on the interpretation wich you are giving to the song itself. Maybe a political one, but is undeniable the connection with George Orwell's Animal Farm (a must-read book for everyone) and his unique sense of consciousness about our political and social reality. Just watch the video, enjoy the songs, and try to digest with your brain what you have just seen.

 What is a Civil War?                          Civil War Guns and Roses

When happens One civil war the people fight, the people will live in the same country or community, the most the time is about political problems or the religion .the song civil war de guns and roses talks about problems that according to the authors and members to the band (Axl Rose, Slash and Duff McKagan) problems that affected and affect to USA. About the murder of the president Kennedy, the Vietnam War and even about the civil rights. This song in the first lines has the words: "What we've got here is failure to communicate, some men you just can't reach...So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it! Well, he gets it! No I don't like it any more than you men” (to the movie Cool hand Luke (1967)). About this I think that is the true, we live in world where anybody wanted take a moment to talk and listen at the rest to the people. Is for this thing that we have wars is for this that we are not in  best society or just best people .but the biggest problems that effect is that  always the same people win and the same people lose. The people that lose are people that tell the song in next lines:"Look at your young men fighting, Look at your women crying, and Look at your young men dying" is the reality in one civil war!

In the original video the civil war, band does show a man and the history that he lives in one war and when he saw his fight team loses and died, those things that call the attention to the people for see the video.
 I found one video that the song in the same but is not the same band is Metallica with guns and roses; the pictures that show in the video are true and show the reality in one civil war!

So I just hope you liked these videos!